How Long Does Cosmetic Bonding Last?

Bonding materials are typically known to last between three and ten years, according to the Cleveland Clinic. After this period, your dental professional will need to take steps to replace or maintain the affected areas. The composite bond, on average, lasts for five years. The material is not as hard as natural teeth and can wear out, peel, break, or stain, all of which can affect its lifespan.

However, with proper care and maintenance, it can last much longer than expected. Unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits can cause the dental joint to wilt faster or require frequent repairs or touch-ups. Dental bonding is a procedure that involves applying a composite resin to cover any damage or imperfection and match the tone of your teeth. With dental bonding, you have the option of getting veneers later on since it is not a permanent procedure; however, once you choose veneers, you'll need to stick with them.

Investing in dental adhesion can change the course of your life by allowing you to smile with confidence. The bond on the back of the teeth or on the side teeth is likely to last longer than the composite joint on the front teeth. Not caring for your teeth, consuming foods and drinks that are harmful to your teeth health, and habits such as biting your nails or clenching your teeth can cause the joint to be damaged much faster. Depending on your situation, the outcome you expect, and your budget, Natural Smiles expert dentists will help you decide if the composite joint is right for you or not.

Unfortunately, if left untreated, the dental bond can fall out and chip the tooth if it becomes loose. Pay attention to how the attached teeth feel when you bite as changes in the bite can indicate a loose bond. If you start to notice any sharp or raised edges in the dental joint, contact your dentist; it may be time for a replacement. The choice between dental adhesion or veneers may depend on the results you hope to achieve, the dental problems you have and, of course, your budget.

Tooth adhesion is a term commonly used to describe dental restorations that use composite resin filling material (tooth-colored). Tooth bonding is a dental procedure suitable for altering the appearance of your teeth, correcting minor cosmetic defects, and covering broken, stained, or chipped teeth. Learn more about what affects the expected lifespan of dental bonding and if it is right for you. One of the benefits of dental adhesion includes being able to care for resin in the same way as natural teeth.

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